Aku Bersyukur

Aku bersyukur karena telah dikaruniakan kedua mata untuk melihat, melihat indahnya ciptaan Tuhan di dunia ini untuk selalu aku amati dan akhirnya ku syukuri nikmat Tuhan itu.

Another Starting Day

My last post was on 1st August and today is 3rd Dec. It means already 4month passed since that day. It is believed that many things have happened during that period. I really wanted to write down all of them, but in fact i couldn't. It isn't because I didn't have time to do it, it is just cuz I was lazy to pour out my ideas in this mind.

Je parle français

France ! Previously, I knew nothing speaking on France. I didn’t even know what “Bonjour” means :D But then, after taking French class since three months ago, I can speak France now. Although I still can’t speak fluently, at least I know how to introduce myself a bit :D Yeah, finally I did it. To be honest, previously, I’ve never thought to speak France and even take the class for that. It is coincidence, I can say like that. Why? Well, I’ll tell you the story.

It Is Like A Mirror

I think the nature law which says that whatever we do to other people no matter good or bad, it will turn aside us and we don't know when will it be, is true.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jam sudah menunjukkan pukul setengah 3 pagi. Aku pun masi belum terlelap. Bukan karena apa, melainkan masih disibukkan dengan laporan yang besok akan dikumpul. Oke, pasti banyak yang bilang kenapa nggak dikerjakan dari kemarin-kemarin, toh pastinya waktu deadline yang diberikan cukup lama. Dan nggak ada alasan juga untuk nggak menyelesaikannya tepat waktu kalau nggak malas-malasan. Namun demikian kalau boleh jujur, hal ini juga bisa dikatakan tidak adil. Pembagian tugas kelompok untuk membuat laporan ini menurutku tidak seimbang tiap individunya. Ya, tiap kelompok terdiri dari lima orang dan setiap pembuatan laporan ditentukan pembagian tugas yang akan berlaku sampai selesainya praktikum semester ini. Berikut ini pembagian tugas di kelompokku *yang menurutku benar-benar nggak adil :(

1) Discussion + Compile
2) Result + Table + Graph
3) Reliability + Recommendation + Conclusion
4) Front Page + Intro + Objectives + Theory + Procedure + References
5) Print + Send

Bisa dilihat sendiri kan kalau pembagiannya tuh, argh, nggak seimbang. Buat yang kedapetan nomor 4 itu tuh enak banget. Tinggal copas aja dari lab manual, secara intro, objectives, theory, and procedure, semua-semuanya itu udah ada di lab manual. Yang dapat discussion juga enak banget karena biasanya orang yang buat result akan menyertai bagiannya dengan discussion. Apalagi yang dapet print + send. Tinggal duduk diam manis nunggu semuanya jadi, print, trus send. Deritanya yang kebagian result + table + graph, harus berpikir keras tentang lab yang dikerjakan. Dan kasiannya lagi nilai praktikum ini dibagi rata ke semua anggota nggak memandang seberapa banyak kerja orang itu dalam pembuatan lab report. T.T I try hard to change this dividing task, ya at least not permanent. We can make it temporary where each individual will get different task each week of lab.

Ya, di sini aku hanya menumpahkan unek-unekku saja, tanpa ada maksud untuk mengeluh banyak-banyak. Hanya menuangkan emosiku agar tersalurkan ke hal yang positif daripada mencaci maki anggota kelompokku ataupun mendiskusikan ulang dengan mereka yang pernah kucoba dan hasilnya nihil alias tetap begitu.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ya Allah, liberate me from fear. Give me the wisdom to think positively; give me the courage to stand by the truth; give me the openness to connect to those who avoid me; give me a smile, a clean heart and a winning attitude which conquers others; give me more of the world so I can spend in Your Path; give me the perspective that I need to remain satisfied with what You bless me with. Ya Allah, forgive my sins and shortcomings and allow me to enter Jannah. Keep me on the Straight Path once You have guide.

19/09/10 UTP
Almost one week I came back from my luvly home to luvly campus, here, in UTP, Malaysia. Means dat i am far away from my family n home. T.T That homesickness is greater day by day. Feeling dat I miss my mom, my sista, n the rest of my family is increasing time by time. My mom said maybe it is because i hav nothing to do now, later on I can recover this feeling by my businessin my campus, with a lot of activities, assignments, or meeting. Ya, she is rite. This is my choice continuing my study abroad which is definitely very far from my hometown n hav to be strong facing all problem by myself without mom standing next to me. If i realized and opened my eyes, this would be the biggest challenge to be faced. I'm not kid anymore whom mom will always wipe tears whenever fall down or bugs bite. Yet, I'm still sweet mommy's child who am still growing up to become better, more mature, and wiser encountering my life with a thousand smiles. I'm sure dat God has planned a big and beautiful future for me as long as I try hard n being all out to reach it. Working hard, praying harder.

All my feeling now is mixing. Confusing cuz haven't finished preparing for presentation tomorrow, missing my family n home too much, unwell cuz still haven't recovered yet from sickness since one 6 days ago. Beyond all those feelings, I can feel peaceful, calm, and release all my nervous only by remembering My Lord, Alloh Almighty, or else reading and listening the beautiful verses in Al-Qur'an. I praise to Alloh for all of those things.
*Dedicated to myself yang semakin kangen rumah hari ke hari.

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