illustration : positiveinfo.wordpress.com
Start your life by dreaming what you want to become so that u will end your life by becoming what you have dreamed before....
Aku bersyukur karena telah dikaruniakan kedua mata untuk melihat, melihat indahnya ciptaan Tuhan di dunia ini untuk selalu aku amati dan akhirnya ku syukuri nikmat Tuhan itu.
My last post was on 1st August and today is 3rd Dec. It means already 4month passed since that day. It is believed that many things have happened during that period. I really wanted to write down all of them, but in fact i couldn't. It isn't because I didn't have time to do it, it is just cuz I was lazy to pour out my ideas in this mind.
France ! Previously, I knew nothing speaking on France. I didn’t even know what “Bonjour” means :D But then, after taking French class since three months ago, I can speak France now. Although I still can’t speak fluently, at least I know how to introduce myself a bit :D Yeah, finally I did it. To be honest, previously, I’ve never thought to speak France and even take the class for that. It is coincidence, I can say like that. Why? Well, I’ll tell you the story.
I think the nature law which says that whatever we do to other people no matter good or bad, it will turn aside us and we don't know when will it be, is true.
illustration : positiveinfo.wordpress.com