Aku Bersyukur

Aku bersyukur karena telah dikaruniakan kedua mata untuk melihat, melihat indahnya ciptaan Tuhan di dunia ini untuk selalu aku amati dan akhirnya ku syukuri nikmat Tuhan itu.

Another Starting Day

My last post was on 1st August and today is 3rd Dec. It means already 4month passed since that day. It is believed that many things have happened during that period. I really wanted to write down all of them, but in fact i couldn't. It isn't because I didn't have time to do it, it is just cuz I was lazy to pour out my ideas in this mind.

Je parle français

France ! Previously, I knew nothing speaking on France. I didn’t even know what “Bonjour” means :D But then, after taking French class since three months ago, I can speak France now. Although I still can’t speak fluently, at least I know how to introduce myself a bit :D Yeah, finally I did it. To be honest, previously, I’ve never thought to speak France and even take the class for that. It is coincidence, I can say like that. Why? Well, I’ll tell you the story.

It Is Like A Mirror

I think the nature law which says that whatever we do to other people no matter good or bad, it will turn aside us and we don't know when will it be, is true.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Semakin hari, semakin rindu.
Semakin hari, semakin sendu.

Adik : Icha-Riri.
UI : Shely, Tya, Ossa, Ei, Rahma.
Unila : Nisa, Iyut, Ay, Ade, Ijah, Teo, Anda, Peppy, Abang, Ghesika.
BTA : Dedew, Irma, Arnold, Andre, Panca, Nai. -BTA's lover-.
SMA : Tami, Reny, KB, Mb Ndi, Desy, Mita, Dina, Fitri, Mila.
Axel : Erfan, Dhea, Ayis, Putri, Andi.
SD : Cici, Aris.
Tanah air tercinta.

Yeah,, today got another test which is quite tough test to do, SPDB (Structure Programming Database System). I hav to put a lot of effort to face this test, while some of my friends tell me that it's just a small piece of cake. >_<
5 more hours to sit in the hall doing the test, n now I'm still facebook-ing, browsing, and doing other things which is not related to the test. T_T
Well, I'll try my best. After finishing SP test, still have more tests to do. What a wonderful life I have lol.
Less than one month i will be having final exam. Have I prepared for all the subjects? Am I ready? Only one answer accepted which is "I have to be ready!"

Now, I'm thinking to find out the most effective way in studying! And of course to be applied, not only be looked for.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

oh noooo.... I gain my appetite now since the test week is goin on. :P
I can't control myself to eat, eat, n eat, more, more, n more. And the worst thing is the time I eat is alwasy at nite. Huhuhuhu! T_T

Anyway,, I just finished my test. Do u know? Today i got three test. This is the hardest time that i've ever had. 3 tests done by respectively. One thing that make me surprised is I did best for the last test. First and second test, screwed all. Begun by Islamic Studies at 5 pm, it's 40 multiple choice question n we hav to answer it only 30 minutes by filling the circle. OMG, can u imagine how can we do that in the short time given? @_@ Second test is MEB (Material and Energy Balance). Although I couldn't finish all the problems given, but I can say that I can get more that 80% (I do hope It's true :P) The last one, but not the least (since i still have many tests to do soon), is Basic Islamic Studies (Co-curriculum subject). Even though it's just one credit but I have to put a lot of effort to get A mark, since I screwed the first test, and now I did quite well in the second test. But I was surprised looking at the percentage of the first test. It's so big, 30%. However, I'm still expecting to get A mark in the end, I do hope there is still possibility to get it. Alrite, I think I have to put more effort then. Keep fighting till the last blood which I have.

Go Gals! Facing your day in your life always by smiling although it's the hardest thing to do! ^_^

Today i'm goin to have 3 test respectively -_-'
It's totally frustated. Huhuhuhuhu. I can just pray to God so that every test will be done nicely and happily after the test. ^0^

It's just a small piece of challenge that i will face in my life. I do believe I can pass it very well. Face the test confidently and the rest let it be later on. :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Useless Umbrella, Stupid things T_T

Huhuhuhuhu,,, Today when i wanna go out to buy something in the shop, i broke my umbrella. T_T Actually i just bought it, not even for one week i used it, now it becomes a useless thing. I dunno how to repair it so that i can use it again. I went to Ipoh last Monday and bought it. I spend RM 15 just to broke it after use it. --'

Furthermore, I spent much money just to buy something useless. You know, i bought two tickets for euphonious (Band competition performance) and Kembara Sufi (Nasyid performance), but i didn't go for both of those events. :( So totally, only in one week i spent RM 35 for nothing, useless things.. huhuhu..

How can i repair that broken umbrella? Any idea? Hmm... I wish i could do something to make it usefull. Let'see ^0^

I found this picture in internet a few days ago. It is a recipe for love. I do believe if you apply this in your life u will reach the happiness and your life will be full of love every time. ^_^

or u can try this one as well as recipe above

Resep "Kue Keluarga"

Bahan :
1 cowok sehat
1 cewek sehat
100% komitmen
2 pasang restu orang tua
1 botol kasih sayang murni

Bumbu :
1 balok besar humor
25 gr rekreasi
1 bungkus doa
2 sendok teh telpon-telponan
perbanyak ibadah
semuanya diaduk hingga merata dan mengembang

Cara memasak :
  • Cowok dan cewek dicuci bersih, buang semua masa lalunya sehingga tersisa niat yang murni.
  • Siapkan loyang yang telah diolesi dengan komitmen dan restu orang tua secara merata.
  • Masukkan kasih sayang murni ke dalam loyang dan panggang dengan api yang hangat dan merata.
  • Biarkan di dalam loyang tadi dan sirami dengan bumbunya.
  • Kue siap dinikmati.

Catatan :
Kue ini dapat dinikmati oleh pembuatnya seumur hidup dan paling enak dinikmati dalam keadaan hangat. Tapi kalau sudah agak dingin, tambahkan lagi humor segar secukupnya, rekreasi sesuai selera, dan beberapa potong doa, kemudian dihangatkan lagi di oven bermerek TEMPAT IBADAH. Setelah mulai hangat, jangan lupa telpon-telponan bila berjauhan.

Tips :
  • Pilih pria dan wanita yang benar-benar matang dan seimbang.
  • Jangan terlalu jauh perbedaan baik umur, pendidikan, pertumbuhan rohani, dan lain-lain karena dapat mempengaruhi kelezatan (sebaiknya dibeli di toserba bernama TEMPAT IBADAH, walaupun agak jual mahal tetapi mutunya terjamin).
  • Jangan beli di pasar yang bernama -DISKOTIK atau PARTY- karena walaupun modelnya bagus dan harum baunya, kadang menipu konsumen atau menggunakan zat pewarna yang bisa merusak kesehatan.
  • Gunakan kasih sayang "TULUS IKHLAS" yang telah mendapatkan ISO dari Departemen Kesehatan dan Kerohanian.
Selamat mencoba, dijamin semuanya halal! ^^

Keep always ur spirit n set in ur mind to be a better person tomorrow. I quote from an ustadz in my country, "Start from the small thing, start from ourselves, and start it from now."

Do not postpone whatever you can do now because you will just regret it later when u get the result which is not as much as you expected. Yet, do not expect to much with your doing because it will just make you disappointed too much later on. The best thing is just expect the result which is equal to the maximum you've done for it.

Hari ini hari Minggu. Mulai Senin besok, aku mulai disibukkan dengan ujian dan quiz yang berturut-turut dan bertumpuk-tumpuk. Bukannya belajar untuk ujian-ujian tersebut aku malah asyik mengutak-atik dan menulis di blog. :P Yah, anggap saja sedang melakukan relaksasi sejenak. Hahahaha. Anyway, Do u know? Last semester I filled all my day with doing nothing but this semester, I am totally busy whole day. Huhuhuhu. This semester i wanna prove that even though I am busy with doing many activities, I still can survive in academic site which is my major priority as the student. Ganbatte ne! ^_^

Everyday is a transformation. Everyday is a new sensation. Alteration, modification, an incarnation, and celebration. ----quoted from : Metamorphosis, Hillary Duff

Teruskanlah perjuanganmu, wahai Ananda!

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Rasa rindu itu terus merayap dan merasuki kalbu tanpa ada niatan untuk pergi sama sekali. Hari ke hari semakin kuat rasa itu berkembang di hati ini. Namun kusadari, aku tidak boleh kalah sedetik pun untuk terus bertahan demi meraih asa yang telah kurajut jauh sebelum aku pernah berpikir dapat singgah ke negeri tetangga ini. Kalau boleh dikata, tidak sewajarnya aku memiliki rasa ini sebab baru saja tiga bulan sejak kepulangan terakhirku ke tanah air liburan lalu. Kini aku ingin kembali pulang untuk berjumpa sanak saudara tercinta. Betapa rindu kurasakan akibat suasana yang sangat berbeda di sini. Rindu akan nuansa tanah air yang begitu menggoda. Tak akan pernah tergantikan atmosfer yang kurasakan di negeri tercinta itu.

Aku merasakan puncak kerinduan akan Indonesia hari ini. Hal itu bertambah ketika kuputar playslist di playerku dengan penuh lagu-lagu karya anak bangsa. Mengingatkanku terhadap kampung halaman. Ingin aku berbincang dengan keluarga di sana, tetapi tak kuasa aku karena beberapa hal yang menghadang. Demi mengobatinya kusibukkan diri dengan hal-hal lain, namun tanpa ada sedikit pun niat untuk mengurangi rasa rindu itu. Pun aku coba memasak masakan khas Indonesia ala kadarnya sesuai kemampuanku. Kucoba mengingat resep masakan yang pernah Ibunda ajarkan. Walaupun pada akhirnya tetap tidak bisa kudapatkan feel-nya, setidaknya aku bisa memutat kembali saat-saat aku berada di tengah-tengah mereka. Saat-saat di mana aku bercanda ria bersama orang-orang tersayang yang kini kurindukan teramat sangat.

Walaupun rasa rindu terus memuncak, tidak membuatku berniat untuk pulang ke tanah air di liburan mendatang. Semua orang tentu bertanya dan mengerutkan dahinya ketika mendengar keputusanku ini. Sejujurnya betapa keras usaha kulakukan untuk mengambil keputusan itu. Ada beberapa hal mendasar yang menjadi alasan aku tidak pulang liburan kali ini. Harus kuakui bahwa aku bukan berasal dari latar belakang keluarga yang cukup berada. Peran ibuku sebagai single parent saat ini membuatku bertekad keras untuk meringankan bebannya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Ditambah lagi tahun ini dua adikku akan melanjutkan bangku pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi yaitu universitas dan SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas). Oleh karena itu, telah kurancang berbagai program yang akan kuikuti semasa liburan kali ini yang cukup menghasilkan yang nantinya akan kukirimkan ke rekening ibunda tercinta. Niat tulus kupanjatkan semata-mata karena hanya ingin melihat senyum Bunda tersayang.

Dari waktu ke waktu, tak pernah henti aku membebani pikirannya tanpa ada sedetik pun dia mengeluh karenanya. Kini aku tengah berjuang mengejar cita-citaku. Mengerahkan semua kemampuan yang ada. Kulalukan hal ini demi membalas jasa Ibunda, walau sebenarnya tak akan pernah terbalas oleh apa pun. Kulangkan kaki menembus panas mentari sembari diiringi senyuman manisnya di memoriku. Kuberlari mengejar asa sembari otakku memutar kembali nasehat-nasehat yang ia berikan padaku. Tak kan pernah terlupa olehku semangat membara yang selalu ia curahkan untuk mutiara hatinya, yaitu diriku.

Kini kulakukan sedikit evaluasi diri. Mengevaluasi apa saja yang telah kulakuan selama ini untuk mewujudkan impianku. Apa saja yang telah kuperbuat di negeri tetangga ini dalam masa melanjutkan pendidikanku. Apa saja yang telah kulewati sewaktuku mengejar cita-cita. Kuakui tidak banyak hasil gemilang yang kupersembahkan untuk keluargaku. Kuakui begitu banyak kesalahan telah kulakukan dalam proses pendewasaan diri ini. Namun begitu, aku menyakinkan diri ini bahwa aku dapat berkarya lebih baik lagi, jauh dari apa yang sekarang kulakukan. Aku bisa menjadi salah satu orang yang sukses. Aku bisa menjadi 'orang besar'. Aku pun bisa menjadi contoh teladan di kemudian hari. Aku yakin bisa meraih semua resolusi yang telah kurancang dengan baik. Hanya ada satu kunci untuk merealisasikan itu semua yaitu kemauan yang kuat, usaha yang maksimal dan diimbangi dengan ibadah yang berkualitas, bukan berkuantitas.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I've got some treasures, so wonderful.....

木曜日, April 22th, 2010
For a long time that i didn't write in my blog.. (well, actually just once i wrote in as the welcoming word.. :P) Since today, i try keeping write bout everything regularly (i wish it will be applied very well, hehe :D). Alrite, now i just wanna share bout what happened whole day. Since the morning i went to Chancellor to attend a public lecture by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Mahatir. He is becoming my admirer since i listened his speech today. Initially i was too lazy attending this lecture coz i thought it would be the same like i've had before. I force myself to still come in n I was surprised when went inside the chancellor. It's full of people already. I couldn't find any empty seat, thus I sit down on the stairs,, hihihi :P
Anyway, later on in the afternun i didn't plan doing any exercise, but what I did could be considered on it. How come??? Ya, it is because i walked around UTP, my luvly campus. After i finished my afternun class n went back to my rum, i had to attend the interview in IRC, our modern library. At the same time i have another meeting in other venue. While waiting for my turn, i run into another meeting. Then went back to IRC again to get into the interview. Unfortunately, it didn't finish yet. I had to go to sport complex to attend the Thai Boxing demonstration, but i didn't go since I've spent a lot my energy. I decided to go back n have my rest in my rum. So, totally u can imagine how far I've walked today. I think it is equal to do jogging around my campus coz the distance in which i moved on from one place to another place is the same, >_<

In the other side, when i came back to my rum, my roomie gave me a link which is owned by Aa' Gym's daughter, named Ghaida. I tried to open that link and wow,,, i surprised @_@ She is totally Fashionable, totally up to date bout fashion. As the impact now i'm eager to try her style of wearing the clothes especially by using hijab ^_^
I will try it by tomorrow n goin to upload the pict in my next posting. Here is the link of her blog

In the end, today i found some treasure which can be useful in my life later on. I know bout the important thing bout how important of beyond of the thinking. I also know bout how to be a stylish by wearing hijab but still keep the rules of being a muslimah.

Girls, let's face new day tomorrow with smile n new fashion style... >o<

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